Monday, July 21, 2008

swimming swimming in the swimming pool

So today while i was at Olympic pool, my swimming partner left early right before the bell rang. when the bell rings everyone is made to leave the pool for a few minutes while the new classes get settled. As soon as the bell rang people emptied out of the pool and new swimmers started strolling it. Music started to play and they began their warm up by doing areobics on the deck. It was pretty hardcore. When the bell rang they all poured into the lanes and started swimming. but its nothing like the lane swimming that im used to at home. There are no breaks with these people. I didnt notice how good they were until, one by one they were passing me. And when i reached the end of the lane, it was only i who needed to rest. hhaha They are crazy swimmers! to be honest it was pretty scary haha
so i decided to move to what seemed like the seniors slow lane. hhahah it was better but i decided the best time to swim was when they breaked.

hahah Korean people are really awesome at everything!

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